Sunday, October 17, 2010

To Blog or Not To Blog...

I have wanted to create a blog for quite some time now.  Although I consider myself to be tech-savvy, I admittedly am not always an early adopter to technology.  I prefer to sit back, observe others, think about it, procrastinate some, and then finally take the plunge.  This blog is no exception. 
My Mom was a great writer, who was full of wit and wisdom.  I like to think that I got my knack for writing from her.  I am no master of the English language, nor do I consider myself a literary scholar.  I am, in both written and oral forms, a conversationalist.  I write like I speak.  And truth be told, I fancy myself as funny, and a good story teller.  Just like my Mom!  You may or may not agree.  I guess we’ll just have to see!
The biggest roadblock for me in starting this blog was WHAT to write about…and then I decided I would write about the things that I love (like food, wine and cooking), the things that inspire me, and some of my basic observations on life.  I have no idea who might be interested in reading my blog, but I certainly hope that it will be an inspiration to those around me.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic Dawn! You are a wonderful story teller indeed. :)
